The best robot toys and kits buying guide tips

The 21st century is all about robots. Almost every kid loves to have their own robot toy.  The modern-day robots are fast and smart and are brilliant toys for your kids where they can both, have fun and learn at the same time.

Today, we list down the 13 best robots robot toys for kids. These included remote-controlled robot toys and also app-based controlled robots as well. Apart from them, there are a plethora of great programmable robot kits to choose from ranging from beginners no screen robots to full-fledged large-sized robot building kits as well.
In this list, we have placed all the kits in the order of their quality, their ability to build your child’s curiosity and critical thinking skills. But most importantly, how fun they are.

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If you have any further questions or clarifications about our listing, product review process or just robots in general, feel free to write to us in the comments section below and before purchasing a robots for kids, we recommend reading our “buying guide” so that you can make an informed choice.

1. Anki Cozmo, A Fun, Educational Toy Robot for Kids

The Anki Cozmo is one of those fun real life-like Robots for kids like the ones in movies. Available in 2 modes of operation, the Cozmo robot is fun and becomes your child’s best friend in an instant and thus makes it one of the Top Robots for kids.

Designed in a very child-friendly and visually appealing manner, the Cozmo can do a lot more than just drive around. It is programmable and can be customized with a lot more flexibility than any robot toy.
You can switch it to the Explorer mode and see things from Cozmo’s little camera eyed perspective. Programmed with Artificial Intelligence, Cozmo can emote up to 100 different expressions.

Your kid can play with it by programming and controlling it with the Cozmo app (from iOS or Android store). Using this, Cozmo can be switched from explorer mode to play mode where it will play a number of games with the 3 cubes that come with the kit.

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The user interface is child-friendly and educational as it teaches your kid in the art of creative coding. It also has intermediate coding levels which you, as an adult can learn to code robots intuitively as well. The robot gets automated updates year-round.

Cozmo is tougher than he looks and also, he has edge detection capability which prevents it from falling down or crashing into walls. The kit comes with 1 Cozmo Robot, 3 cubes and 1 charger to charge it. There is also a one year manufacturer’s warranty on this product from the date of purchase.

Recommended Age: 8 Years or Above

Things we liked about it:
• Adorable and child-friendly design
• Teaches kids to play, creative coding and learn too
• Can express 100 different emotions
• Has 3 cubes using which you can play a lot of games
• Intermediate robot coding can teach adults to code as well
• Batteries Included
• 1-year manufacturer’s warranty
Things we didn’t like about it:
• Nothing in particular

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2. LEGO Boost Creative Toolbox 17101 Fun Robot for kids

LEGOS that move and do tricks. Kids love robots and they love legos. From the official house of LEGOS, the Boost creative toolbox 17101 is a fun lego set where your kid can build their own robot out of lego bricks. You too can Build Robots for kids using Legos.

Acting as a STEM educational toy that fosters their curiosity, it not only adds fun but also teaches them to program too. You can download the app to control and code this via the iOS App Store or Android play store.

With this set of 847 pieces, your kid can build a total of 5 different toy robot models. A robot that dances, a cat that is interactive and digital pet, Guitar 4000; a guitar that has a pitch bend and sound effects to teach music, M.T.R. 4 a rover with various attachments and the most versatile of all, the Auto Builder, a lego built structure that creates miniature lego models like a factory.

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The kit is compatible with the Lego Ninjago 70652 Stormbringer kit and is controllable via the LEGO BOOST app. Perfect for kids between the ages of 7 and 12 both for boys and girls, this toy has won the Toy of the Year awards, 2018.

Age Group: 7-12 years

Things we liked about this:
• It is a DIY robot kit
• Can be modelled into 5 different robots (1 can dance, 1 is a cat, 1 is a model rover with attachments, 1 is a guitar and 1 is a auto builder that creates more models)
• Compatible with a few other LEGO sets as well
• TOY of the Year award winner
• Programmable robots which teach kids to code via STEM approach
Things we didn’t like about it
• Does not have a warranty but toys don’t come with any warranty

3. Wonder Workshop Robot for kids

Yet another STEM-based teaching robot, Dash, from the house of Wonder Workshop, which is known for developing coding robots for kids is not just for small kids (6 and above) but also for middle and high school kids who wish to develop their critical and coding skills.
This award-winning robot comes with interactive technology that will teach your kid to create a robot with voice commands, explore loops, different conditions and sequences through the 5 free apps that come with the robot which teach your kid to code in a fun way.

It will teach your kid to learn through its open-ended learning platform which also allows your kid to collaborate with the challenging community of Wonder League and its recurring workshops and competitions.
It comes with a sketch kit, building block connectors and has a charging playtime of about 5 hours. It also has Bluetooth connectivity in it. It’s building blocks let you build small structures, connect and develop structures creatively like a truck, an animal, a robot and a lot more.
Used in over 20,000 schools to date, Dash’s presence is growing fast. Furthermore, this product comes with a 30-day return window and a one year manufacturer’s warranty from the date of purchase.

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Age Groups: 6 and higher

Things we liked about it:
• Award-winning STEM robot that teaches kids to have fun and to code as well.
• Responds to voice commands and can be programmed as such
• Has 5 free apps through which you can creatively code the robot
• Has various building blocks for creatively building robots, animals, trucks etc.,
• Does not need any batteries, can be charged to work for 5 hours straight
• One year manufacturer’s warranty
Things we didn’t like about it:
• Nothing in particular to mention


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